Security Disclaimer

Data Collection and Security Disclaimer for Dinero Services

By utilizing our services, you acknowledge, confirm, and agree to the following aspects regarding data collection and security:

  1. Data Collection: You understand that various types of data may be collected, either directly or indirectly, during your interaction with our services. This includes information such as your email address, public wallet address, geographic region, and other publicly available data.

  2. Protection of Sensitive Information: You are fully aware that we, the Dinero team, will never request sensitive information such as your seed phrase, secret phrases, passwords, or any other confidential data. Our commitment to your privacy and security is paramount.

  3. Scam Awareness: It is essential to be vigilant about potential scams. Be aware of phishing attempts and schemes that may try to direct you to fraudulent websites or trick you into revealing sensitive information. We urge you to exercise caution and to verify the authenticity of any communication claiming to be from Dinero.

By engaging with our services, you agree to these terms and acknowledge the importance of maintaining the security of your personal and sensitive information. We encourage you to remain informed and cautious to ensure a safe and secure experience with Dinero.

Last updated